Analytics Rockstars

Data jobs, analytics jobs, remote jobs
About Us
Why Big Data?

Learning Resources

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate
Google's data analytics certificate course on Coursera teaching in-demand skills that aims to equip students with enough relevant skills to be job-ready in less than 6 months.

Simo Ahava Blog
A leader in technical marketing blogs about web analytics, digital marketing, Google Cloud Platform, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Team Simmer
Online course platform for technical marketers co-founded by Simo Ahava, a knowledge leader in the field of technical marketing and web analytics.

Measure School
Measure School focuses on web analytics specific to data-driven digital marketing. Heavy emphasis on Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and tracking setups for various marketing channels.

Learn Data Engineering
An extensive set of high-quality online courses teaching Data Engineering, from the foundations to advanced topics. There are paid and free learning resources available including videos and a community of other learners on the discord server.

Python 3 Programming Specialization (University of Michigan Coursera course)
This UMich-Coursera course teaches you the fundamentals of Python programming, one of the major languages that is used in data careers such as data engineering.

SQL - MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
A highly rated Udemy course. "SQL that will get you hired – SQL for Business Analysis, Marketing, and Data Management".

BigQuery Basics for Data Analysts
Google Cloud Skills Boost course providing an introduction to BigQuery. BigQuery is Google's fully managed, NoOps, low-cost analytics database. In the course, you will learn the best practices for querying and getting insights from your data warehouse.